How to accomplish something effectively that needs to get done, we go over 5 basic success steps to getting stuff done! Sometimes it can feel like the list of “To Do’s” just keeps on growing but nothing ever gets completed all though we may be picking away at our list.
1. Build Desire:
You have to be willing to do what you need to do. One of the unhealthiest things you can do for your mental health and physical health is to resist the task at hand. Resisting work, resisting a lesson, or resisting what you need to accomplish. Finding the desire to complete a task is important.
2. Break Your Goals Down Into Steps:
Have you heard of that common term, how do you eat an elephant? In little bites! Break your tasks down into little steps so it’s not one huge overwhelming task!
Determine the overall picture of what you’d like to accomplish. A lifestyle project would be “Have an amazing and fun Christmas Dinner”. Whereas a career or business PROJECT may be a little different; For Example – “Acquire 10 New High Paying Customers This Year”
What is the breakdown of your project? What do you need to do to create an amazing Christmas dinner? Example – Cook a Turkey, Invite Guests, Decorate. What will lead up to obtaining 10 New Customers? Example – New Add Campaign, Market In Local Paper, Redesign Website?
When are you completing all of your tasks?
3. Notice The Progress:
This goes back to celebrating the little things. That’s a small way that you can build confidence. Often time it’s easier to look at what has not yet been completed and fail to see what has been accomplished.
4. Accomplish More By Asking For Help:
It’s always great to ask for assistance! If you never ask you will never know the answer! Teamwork is always more powerful! Make sure to always ask for help when you need it!
5. Celebrate What You Complete As You Complete It:
Take time to reward yourself and celebrate your progress! Once you accomplish one goal, focus on celebrating, jump up and down, and get excited about finishing a task or a project. Your brain will release endorphins and connect achieving tasks with feeling good therefore accomplishing more will become easier.. Your brain will want more accomplish more!
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I also have the following content that focuses on helping you get out of your way, build confidence & guide you toward taking effortless action:
- CORE VALUES: Learn More About Your Personal Core Values
- Manifestation Is Logical, Not Magical. You Already Do It Daily On Autopilot!
- Defining What It Means To Take Responsibility In Your Life
- Top Tips On How To Successfully Start Setting Intentions That Work For You
- Reduce Regret And Turn Your Past Into Powerful Lessons Learned In Life
- 7 Inspirational Short Quotes About Life: That Call Out For Abundance
- What is Self-Love and Everything You Need to Know to Improve Self-Love
Build More Confidence:
- How Taking 100% Responsibility Will Give You More Confidence
- Top Self-Trust Tips That Increase Your Confidence
- The Ultimate Guide To Feeling Confident About Who You Are!
Build Better Relationships:

Julia Maria Nica
Life & Dream Coach
Julia grew up in Vancouver, B.C. She immigrated from Romania to Canada in the ’90s with her family. Julia decided to find her passion. Just like many women, she experienced her own self-image challenges. She came up with the idea of The YOU Series as a part of unraveling the pain of her life. Today she focuses on building The You Series, coaching her clients, and creating new content.