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How to stay positive and productive throughout the week? It’s the big question many of us ask ourselves amid the chaos. If you constantly gain new knowledge based on who you want to become.

Stay focused on what you want to achieve and keep working at it. As your week goes on practice to apply these to your daily routine to have many profitable weeks ahead!

1. Improve Productivity With Gratitude:

You must feel amazing first! Just like the saying “Dress for success” you must dress and empower your mindset for success. Give yourself gratitude and truly mean it.

Why is this the first productivity tip?

Well, you see, when you’re happy, you feel more confident, and when you feel more confident you’re more likely to want to take action!

Do you sometimes feel like you desire to be admired more often?

What’s stopping you? Admire yourself!

2. Improve Productivity With Morning Rituals:

Start your day off strong!  It sets the pace for your day. You don’t need to start working right away but just have a morning ritual. Taking some time to refocus in the mornings is extremely important. If you can accomplish some small tasks for the day, you’ll increase your confidence level which will drive you to want to do more throughout the day!

Some daily productivity morning rituals:

  1. Make your bed
  2. Read some lifestyle articles or a book
  3. Meditate
  4. Go for a walk/walk your dog
  5. Do some breathing exercises
  6. Write in a dream/intention journal
  7. Dress well, clean up, and look ready to take on the world

Starting your mornings off strong will increase your productivity throughout the day.

3. Improve Productivity With Team Work:

One of the best ways how to stay positive and productive throughout the week is to have someone to hold you accountable! Teamwork makes everything run much smoother. You don’t even have to be working on the same project. Just having someone around to support and be supported in return creates a lot of momentum.

4. Start With Little Changes:

Often we get caught up in the massive goals, massive ambitions, and huge destinations we intend to accomplish in our lives. Here is a thought, make tiny little changes, like a step ladder to your destination. When a task seems too overwhelming, slow down and break it down to little daily changes that sum up to one massive goal!

5. Have Fun: 

There is time for work but we must make time for play too! When we relax have fun and adventure it allows us to stir up new ideas! If you are especially stressed out take some time off and do something relaxing but FUN! Laugh lots! Get some great friends together. Take your dog to their fav. dog park or simply just step outside and do some jumping jacks and perhaps talk to someone new! The first step to having fun is doing things with more energy and always being excited!

6. Be Focused:

“Where focus goes, energy flows.” Focus on creating a constant flow of great things in your life. If something bad, negative, or unfortunate happens get that out of your life as soon as possible!  Take that time for peace as much as you can. Refresh your mind to refocus on what you need to do and where you are going. The purpose is powerful! Having a strong purpose moves you forward and keeps you focused in a strong state of mind. BE unshakable in your goals, be unshakable in your core values, and be unshakable in your purpose.

7. Improve Productivity by Focusing On Small Tasks

Take your vision or “To Do” list and figure out what’s most important. Then break it down into smaller more attainable tasks. For some, it’s easier to hack at it daily for an hour. For others, it’s better to sit down once a week and work on your goals and errands all day Sunday!

Test a few different systems and styles of going about accomplishing what you need to do then stick with what you find works best for you! Starting with small tasks will help to reduce procrastination which will improve your productivity level!

Julia Maria Nica

Life & Dream Coach

Julia grew up in Vancouver, B.C. She immigrated from Romania to Canada in the ’90s with her family. Julia decided to find her passion. Just like many women, she experienced her own self-image challenges. She came up with the idea of The YOU Series as a part of unraveling the pain of her life. Today she focuses on building The You Series, coaching her clients, and creating new content.

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