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Taking action is an important part of life and can significantly influence your happiness and confidence. Several studies and psychological theories suggest that proactive behavior and goal-directed actions can boost well-being and overall life satisfaction.

Developing a positive relationship with your ability to take action is key to feeling better about yourself, and improving confidence. Seeing results in your life, from the action you’ve taken, will enhance your sense of satisfaction with your current experience.

Start by Clarifying Your Dreams

Before taking action, it’s essential to have a clear sense of your dreams and direction. Without a vision for what you want to achieve, your efforts may feel aimless or scattered. This is often why so many people feel a lack of confidence about their life. Having a strong sense of direction gives your actions meaning and helps guide your decisions.

  • Why dreams matter: Our dreams act as the foundation for goal setting and action. They represent our aspirations and the kind of life we want to create. Without dreams, action can feel empty or misdirected.
  • The importance of direction: Knowing where you want to go enables you to set clear, intentional goals. It provides the “why” behind the actions you take. Think of direction as your internal compass, guiding you toward a destination that truly aligns with your values and desires.

Tip: Spend time reflecting on your dreams and creating a vision for your life. Ask yourself, “What excites me? What kind of life do I want to live?” This clarity will serve as the driving force behind your actions.

taking action taking action

Understand the Power of Action

Taking action is the bridge between where you are and where you want to be. No matter how great your dreams are, without action, they remain unattainable. Action is the catalyst that transforms your ideas into tangible outcomes.

  • Action propels you forward, even if the steps are small.
  • Each action builds momentum and brings you closer to realizing your dreams.

A well-known study that highlights the importance of taking action is the “Gollwitzer Implementation Intentions” study conducted by Peter Gollwitzer, a psychologist known for his research on goal-setting and action.

In the study, Gollwitzer introduced the concept of implementation intentions, which are plans that specify when, where, and how a person will take action toward a goal. The research showed that people who formed implementation intentions (e.g., “If situation X arises, I will perform action Y”) were significantly more likely to achieve their goals compared to those who only had general intentions (e.g., “I want to achieve X”).

The study demonstrated that creating a concrete plan—actionable steps—reduces the gap between intention and action. Gollwitzer’s research revealed that people with a specific plan of action were 2 to 3 times more likely to follow through on their intentions than those who lacked a structured plan.

Create a Routine, Build Healthy Habits

Consistency is key to making progress on your goals. Establishing a daily or weekly routine will help you stay on track and create positive habits that drive continuous action.

Tip: Schedule time each day to work on your goals. This could be 30 minutes of writing, 20 minutes of exercise, or anything that aligns with your direction.

Identify What’s Holding You Back

Many people struggle with taking action because of internal and external barriers. Common obstacles include fear of failure, perfectionism, self-doubt, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of a task.

  • Lack of clarity: Unclear goals lead to inaction because you don’t know where to start.
  • Fear: Fear of the unknown or fear of failure can be paralyzing.
  • Perfectionism: Waiting for the “perfect” moment can prevent you from acting.
  • Procrastination: Feeling a lot of pain around completing the taste, you put it off.

taking actionThese feelings can stem from feeling overwhelmed, bored, lacking belief in yourself, or uncertain but what we know here is that “action kills fear.” and that starting is the biggest hurdle in taking action.

Here are some solutions:

  • Time blocking: Set aside specific blocks of time for focused work.
  • 2-minute rule: If something takes less than two minutes, do it now to build momentum.
  • Pomodoro technique: Work in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes), followed by short breaks.

Small wins add up and help maintain momentum, making it easier to stay motivated.

Solution: Recognize these barriers and take small, manageable steps to overcome them.

Set Clear and Specific Goals

What I’m going to show you is how we do things here at The You Series. This is how we teach our clients to take action and goal set.

Rules for taking action effectively:

  • Before you take action make a PLAN!
  • Focus on the most important goal.
  • Don’t try to multitask, multitasking is not effective.
  • Make sure your goal is attainable (You can use SMART goals as an outline for your goals if you wish)
  • Make a list that you can check off. (Write things down).

Creating your BIG PLAN! Here is what you will need to do:

  1. Pick 1 dream: You want to take one of your dreams. Pick 1 dream of yours. Have your core values close by because you don’t want to plan on something that doesn’t align with your core values.
  2. Break the dream down into projects: Take that one dream and figure out how many projects you need to complete to accomplish the dream. This will get you a list of projects.
  3. Write down all the tasks for each project: Then you want to take those projects and write down all the tasks you need to complete to finish the project.

These 3 planning steps will give you your BIG PLAN!

Just remember that you need to be specific. “I want to be successful” is not a dream. The vision for your life needs to be clear and specific.

Example: Instead of saying, “I want to be successful,” specify what success looks like for you: “I want to build a business that generates $100,000 a year within the next two years.”

Break It Down Into Small Steps

Big goals can feel intimidating, but breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps makes them achievable. Taking small steps allows you to start building momentum without feeling overwhelmed. Here is how we do this!

The truth is you won’t get everything done in one day. You’ll be going back and doing things bit by bit.

Your goals will be written down in two different places…

BIG PLAN: You’re big plan, is the overview and breakdown of everything you need to accomplish.

DAILY DO’S: When the time comes, you’re going to rewrite that goal in your daily “To Do’s”

This way you will be going back and forth in between referencing your big plan and writing your daily do’s in your to-do list for that day. Making sure to only focus at the next task at hand!

If you need support with this, talking to a coach on our team may be beneficial. Accountability and guidance go a long way it helps us get out of our way and supports taking action!

Embrace Failure and Learn from It

A part of taking action is sometimes not getting the results you had hoped for which might feel like failure. Failure is an inevitable part of the process, and see it as a learning experience rather than a setback. Each failure provides valuable lessons that guide you toward future success.

Tip: 100% of successful people have failed a lot. Persistence and ability to learn from mistakes play a key role in success. You can stay in a powerful place when navigating failure by focusing on learning from your mistakes and always finding solutions!

Stay Accountable

Accountability helps keep you on track. I like to say, where this is blame or your pointing fingers at somebody else. There is no accountability or responsibility. So be responsible for your actions and results 100% of the time. Make sure to always check in with yourself to make sure you’re staying self-aware and accountable through the process.

Here are a few things you can do to stay accountable:

  • Sharing your goals with  a trusted friend,
  • Find a mentor
  • Join an online community or accountability group.
  • Work with a coach. A coach’s main job is to keep you accountable. This might be the support you need while taking action.

Getting outside support can increase your chances of following through.

Tip: Engaging with like-minded people can also provide encouragement and new perspectives. Make sure you’re surrounded by people who are cheering you on.

Celebrate Progress

Celebration builds confidence and wires your brain to see you as a successful doer. It’s important to make your completions physical. This means when you complete something. Jump up and down, dance. Say “Yes” clenching your fist like you just won first place!

Don’t wait until you’ve achieved the final outcome to celebrate. Acknowledge and reward your progress along the way. Celebrating small victories helps you maintain positive momentum and is good for your self-confidence.

Example: If you’ve committed to walking every day and hit a two-week streak, reward yourself with something meaningful, like a fun activity or a small treat.

Need help setting goals and taking action?

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Getting accountability and having a coach assist you while taking action in your life makes a whole difference. When we are stuck in our head it’s sometimes hard to break certain patterns that have not been serving us. If you want support and accountability while you take action in your life.  I can help!

Julia Maria Nica

Your Transformation Guide

Julia grew up in Vancouver, B.C. She immigrated from Romania to Canada in the ’90s with her family. Julia decided to find her passion. Just like many women, she experienced her own self-image challenges. She came up with the idea of The YOU Series as a part of unraveling the pain of her life. Today she focuses on building The You Series, coaching her clients, and creating new content.

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