The Power Of Learning About Your Leadership Style!
One of the most important assets I’ve found in my life is having the curiosity to learn about myself. I am always ready to learn any new perspective that allows me to deepen my understanding of who I am. When mastering your leadership style, I’ve found it’s important to know who you are. Furthermore, notice how you react to life itself. The tools I pick up on my growth journey, play an important role in my daily life. Further, notice how you react to life itself.
What might we benefit from knowing how we function and why we function a certain way?
The answer is rather simple. The deeper we dig, the more we understand. Things in our environment become easier.
Our thoughts turn into feelings. While the feelings we have turned into our reactions, therefore, our reactions give us our results in life. Our reactions cause the relationships we have in life to play out the way they do. This also affects our careers, network, community and the actions we take every day. They are affected by every thought we choose to have.
The leadership style you carry impacts you in every area of life, in you relationships, your friendships, career and so on. I’m so excited to dive into this information with you below. If you have some time fill out the form in the blog to find out what your leadership style is as well!
What’s most interesting it that our thoughts can instantly change when our perspective changes.
This is why understanding our deepest layers, picking up on basic concepts can be very powerful for changing our lives!
Speaking from experience, once I see the challenges in my perspective. I choose to change it. As a result, I always gain a deeper understanding of myself. The world around me instantly become better. I become a better communicator as a result of my thought process and this triggers my reactions change.
I know the questions I ask, give me answers to whatever seems to be confusing me at that moment.
It’s important to learn to ask the right questions:
Instead of telling ourselves how we are…
- “You are not good enough.”
- “Hey, you aren’t smart enough”
- “You can’t lead yourself let alone other.”
Think about how many times a day you communicate with yourself. What are you saying to yourself?
I am challenging you to start asking more questions:
- ” How can I become good at…”
- “What should I learn to….”
- ” How can I lead more people?”
In this article we are going to cover the following question; What Is My Leadership Style?
Many years ago I completed a little questionnaire for The 4 Quadrant Personality Matrix. Meanwhile, learning so much about myself. Further, it assisted me in a deeper understanding of my leadership style. While gaining relief for some of the things I didn’t understand.
Related Content: Top Leadership Skills That Set You Up To Leading Powerfully
For some time in my life due to the lack of understanding of my personality style, I had felt singled out. Most of all, I felt I was different. The truth is that we are all different. Going through this process taught me to embrace my style because when we embrace who we are, we become powerful.
Before learning this, I had always asked myself “What is my leadership style.”?
I can now say, I have become pretty clear about who I am. I am clear about what I believe in!
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The 4 Quadrant Personality Matrix: 4 Different Leadership Styles
Throughout history, we’ve learned different things about each individual. Like Carl Jung’s Introvert-Extrovert findings and Isabel Myer-Briggs found the 16 personality types. The 4 quadrant Personality Matrix has been adapted over the years and changed by different people.
Understanding which personality style you are. In short will help you define the type of leadership habits that are strong in your world.
The 4 Personality Styles:
First of all, the personality styles are listed from #1 – #4 just for system purposes in these articles. There is no #1 or the best personality. Successful people come from all quadrants of the matrix.
You are unique!
Everyone has a different combination of personality styles. Each personality style can have great leadership.

Different personality styles have different leadership styles. It’s what we do with our talents that make the difference. What we master, is what defines our success. With that being said all personality leadership styles have their gifts. There is always room to grow, as is with everything in life.
Awareness is key, we all ultimately decide what we want to be in life. We each get to choose what we want to work on.
Some refer to the quadrant named “Controller” as “Driver” as for personality characteristics they remain the same!
Complete The Form Below To Find Out Your Personality Style!
Once you’ve submitted your form our team will reply back to you with your personality style result & some helpful resources!
PICK ANY NUMBER BUT #5 – If you select #5 your result will be inconclusive. Pick the number that best represents who you are!
To find out what your personality leadership style is. In the next 2 questions below, pick the number that best represents who you are! Once you’ve submitted your form our team will reply back to you with your personality leadership style result and some helpful resources!
PICK ANY NUMBER BUT #5 – If you select #5 for any of the following 2 questions below your result will be inconclusive.
1. The Promoting Style - Personality Leadership Style
If you are a promoter, you are likely to get involved with people! You are good with people. You are often more extroverted. Enjoying fast environments with change. Excitement is what promoters thrive in. Your friends mostly see you as outgoing.
One trait that is highly valuable in promoters is they are likely to always have great ideas and a big imagination.
You might perhaps be a great starter but lack in the completion of things as new ideas always seem to pop up. This is something that you can improve.
Keep in mind, that people react to behaviors and surrounding as a result of their perceptions, values, and past experience. Further, some see the promotional style as energetic and friendly and others may perceive it as egotistical.
Promoters have a strong sense of leadership, they are natural promoters & sales people.
The Promoters Gifts:
- Ask’s “Who” – They focus on personal questions and are sociable.
- Decisions easily made and easily changed
- Warm
- Friendly
- Easy going
- Flexible
- Persuasive
- Creative with a great imagination
- Highly insightful
- More out front/outspoken, fun
- Communicates well
- Articulates well
- Excitable
- Enthusiastic
A Promoters Productive Traits Are:
- Flexible
- Youthful
- Enthusiastic
- Tactful
- Adaptable
- Socially Skillful
On The Other Hand, Their Excessive Characteristics Are:
- Inconsistent
- Childlike
- Agitated
- Afraid of confrontation
- Lacking in conviction
The Promoter Will Excel In A Situation When:
- People are involved
- New possibilities need to be brainstormed
- There is a defined structure with boundaries
- Follow thru is forced by someone else
- Inspirations are allowed and encouraged
- There is a lot of attention
- They can talk about what they learned (discussion)
- There is action-oriented activity.
- The environment is optimistic, changing
- Surrounded by friendliness and warmth
The Promoter May Feel Held Back and Have Difficulty In A Situation Where:
- Physical activity is restrained
- Tasks are analytical
- Also, having great discipline and systematic
- There is detail, factual presentations they want the bottom line. Therefore, they don’t care how you got there.
- If there is only routine with no room for adventure and activities
- They are given a project with no boundaries and direction.
Conflicts Arise For a Promoter When:
The promoters rapid change in environment and excitable being can cause others to their actions as unstable and random. Their excitement can be seen as egotistical and annoying.
If a promoter is often impatient, it can cause arguments often. They can sometimes be forceful and aggressive with an upfront nature this can cause other people to see these traits as manipulative, therefore it can negatively affect their relationships.
Finally, in leadership, it’s important for a promoter to keep their ego in check.
2. The Supporting Style - Personality Leadership Style
If you are a supporter, you love a good one on one. You usually try to have minimal conflict. It’s important to support the joy of everyone around you.
Some people see supporters are accommodating friendly. Kindness is extremely important to them.
Other people may see them as too “nice”. In some circumstances, a supporter can get up in being a “People Pleaser”.
Supporters often find themselves over-committing. Saying “no” is always a challenge. They are people-oriented. Non-aggressive. Also, supporters often relying on others to take direction about how to get a task done.
Supporters have a unique form of leadership. They are great listeners and have a lot of compassion for who they’re talking to.
The Supporters Gifts:
- Ask’s “Why” – They focus on personal non-goal asked questions. Open-ended and accommodating.
- Decisions are agreeable to others
- Great listeners
- Friendly
- Kind
- Non-competitive with others
- Values close, long-term lasting relationships
- Allow others to initiate
- Puts others at ease
- Also, willing to take direction
A Supporters Productive Traits Are:
- Idealistic
- Trusting
- Helpful
- Receptive
- Modest
- Loyal
- Aspiring
On The Other Hand, Their Excessive Characteristics Are:
- Impractical
- Gullible
- Paternal
- Passive
- Self-deprecating
- Obligated
- Perfectionist
The Supporter Will Excel In A Situation When:
- They can please others
- Harmony, respect plus good feelings exist
- Research or learning is on other people
- Structure, supervision, and guidance is available to them
- Ideas can be developed that will benefit others
- Relationship skills can be applied to get the job done;
- It is idealistic
- Also, their loyalty has to be valued
The Supporter May Feel Held Back And Have Difficulty In A Situation Where:
- Left to own direction
- Task achievement is the dominant goal
- Socializing is not allowed
- Also, if a conflict is normal in the given environment. (Avoid conflict)
- They have a hard time asking for help.
Conflicts Arise For Supporters When:
If you are supporters are often not fond of the kind of logic and stiffness, analyzer plus the controllers have. You are more in touch with your emotions. This often creates impatience/conflict with analyzers and controllers. Supporters are more sensitive, less tactful and can resent others because of this though this may not be true for everyone.
Further supporters can form a powerful leadership style once they get familiar with what works for them.
Supporters, rather their biggest focus is peace and harmony. As a result, comprising their own opinions to simply agree with others. They are and quiet, often keeping information to themselves and not expressing what’s going on.
Are you new here?
I also have the following content that focuses on helping you get out of your own way, build confidence & guide you towards taking effortless action:
- CORE VALUES: Learn More About Your Personal Core Values
- Manifestation Is Logical, Not Magical. You Already Do It Daily On Autopilot!
- Defining What It Means To Take Responsibility In Your Life
- Top Tips On How To Successfully Start Setting Intentions That Work For You
- Reduce Regret And Turn Your Past Into Powerful Lessons Learned In Life
- Read These Deep Quotes to Change Your Life
- What is Self-Love and Everything You Need to Know to Improve Self-Love
Build More Confidence:
- How Taking 100% Responsibility Will Give You More Confidence
- Top Self-Trust Tips That Increase Your Confidence
- The Ultimate Guide To Feeling Confident About Who You Are!
Build Better Relationships:
3. The Controlling Style - Personality Leadership Style
If you are a controller, you like to get things done. You want results. Love to run things and have it done your way. You’ll often have the “I’ll do it my self” mindset. Furthermore, being extremely tactile at managing your time is your greatest power.
For example, some people see controllers as businesslike, on point, efficient. While other people may see them as threatening and nonempathetic.
Also, when working they get the job gone. They like things to the point. Controllers don’t like long drawn out discussions. Confidence isn’t usually a big blockage for controllers. While they are usually confident in their ability to take risks. They get things done!
Controllers are natural-born leaders. Their leadership style is usually well directed & clear. If controllers develop themselves, work on their setbacks they can stand out in their leadership roll.
The Controllers Gifts:
- Ask’s “What” – They ask result oriented questions that get things done.
- They make decisions easily plus quickly
- Strong willed
- Performs to their capacity limits
- Responds quickly
- They are accurate plus tactical
- Competitive
- Eager
- Ambitious
- Uses time very well
- Also, likes workable plus logical solutions
A Controllers Productive Traits Are:
- Under control
- Quick to act
- Self Confident
- Forceful
- Persistent
- Urgent
- Eager to change
On The Other Hand, Their Excessive Characteristics Are:
- Dominating
- Impulsive
- Arrogant
- Coercive
- High pressure
- Inpatient
- Also, Unstable
The Controller Will Excel In A Situation When:
- Where organization is present and there is plenty of information
- They are allowed to take responsibility plus lead
- Are Valued
- It’s fast-moving
- Challenging
- There is a chance to assume a leadership role
- Competition is present
- There is freedom to accomplish tasks their own way
- An authority is present
- Also, academic achievement is highly valued
The Controller May Feel Held Back and Have Difficulty In A Situation Where:
- The situation is not under their control
- Their goals are not complete due to a circumstance
- If the environment is not fast paced
- The motto is “Let’s wing it”
- There are many distractions
- If no one appears to be leading or in charge
Conflicts Arise For a Controllers When:
Controllers focus on getting tasks done, hence running over others when trying to accomplish a task, can happen. While organizing in a situation they may recruit or include anyone who is standing around by giving them a task. This can cause conflict in certain situations as well as be viewed as bossy, therefore, they can become angered or impatient around the promoters easy going spontaneous style.
As their critical eye can be a benefit in a workplace. Yet, in relationships, it’s quite the opposite. Consequently, being critical and being judgemental can be a massive set back when dealing with people.
4. The Analyzing Style - Personality Leadership Style
If you are an analyzer, you are the opposite of a promoter. You love facts and data, in fact, you need it to make decisions. Furthermore, this is what makes you such great problem solver!
A powerful characteristic of analyzers is they are usually quiet. Also, they also enjoy working alone.
In a working environment, they ask difficult and important questions. An Analyzer plans well and if they miss a deadline it’s for a good reason. All these characteristics make analyzers lead in a unique way. Each leadership style has their unique set of skills.
An Analyzers Gifts:
- Ask’s “How” – Using technical, analytical questions.
- Hesitant decision-makers
- Thrives on data: facts and concepts
- Systematic and orderly
- Quiet, Non-threatening
- Allows others to initiate
- Problem-solver
- The freedom to focus on goals – slowly and carefully
- Persistent
- They are serious and low key
An Analyzers Productive Traits Are:
- practical
- economical.
- reserved and thorough
- methodical
- analytical.
On The Other Hand, Their Excessive Characteristics Are:
- dull
- stingy and rather compulsive
- unfriendly at times
- also, critical and stubborn.
Most Of All An Analyzer Will Excel In A Situation When:
- They can work by themselves, it is unemotional therefore there is more time to focus on factual information.
- Practical
- There is freedom to ponder
- The leader gives a systematic and as a result, there is a structure in the framework
- Routine is the watchword
- There is a lack of pressure, low-key
- Much attention given to task results
- Value is placed on the accumulation of facts
- They can save face even when they may be wrong
- There are rules for dealing with others
An Analyzer May Have Difficulty In A Situation Where:
- There is little organization
- Nobody reaches out to them
- Inconsistency is routine
- Pressure abounds
- Loud, multi-stimulating activity exists
- The leader is dominating and controlling
- Decisions are not based on facts and data
Conflicts Arise For an Analyzer When:
They are serious. Some have the tendency to be orderly manners can cause impatience in other personality styles.
Analyzers can sometimes be too critical. They are also judgmental towards others, therefore, this can create distance. Indecisions create confusion and impatience for them
Most of all when an analyzer feels cornered or pressure can build up for them quickly. While allowing others to initiate activities may build resentment over time. Certainly they tend to at times state their position bluntly or without concern. An analyzer more often “thinks” then they do “feel” Can feel a lack of embrace if a group doesn’t provide data for them. In addition, they highly appreciative of warm environments.
In Summary - The Personality Matrix: The 4 Different Leadership Styles
Finally, if you haven’t figured out what your Personality Style is. You can complete the following form and our team will get back to you with your personality style. Most of all I hope, you have had the opportunity to learn a little about yourself. In addition, if you’d prefer to complete a fast quiz. There is a 10-question quiz attached below. Learning about your strong suits and points of improvement will help your leadership in all avenues of life!
In addition, each individual has sub-styles within their principal style. I invite clients to learn more about this content but I don’t teach it as a part of my coaching though I find the info informative and useful. Learn more by reading The 9 Personalities Ebook and Chris Lee on The School Of Greatness Podcast some of this info is adapted from Toastmasters International.
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Julia Maria Nica
Life & Dream Coach
Julia grew up in Vancouver, B.C. She immigrated from Romania to Canada in the ’90s with her family. Julia decided to find her passion. Just like many women, she experienced her own self-image challenges. She came up with the idea of The YOU Series as a part of unraveling the pain of her life. Today she focuses on building The You Series, coaching her clients, and creating new content.